Meet Our Team

Neil Magnuson: Lead Pastor

Pastor Neil went to Grace University for Youth Ministry and Bible where he swore he would never be a lead pastor. God serenely has a sense of humor as 15 years later He brought Neil to Crossroads to be its next lead pastor. Pastor Neil enjoys spending time with his wife Becky and their three kids, spending time outdoors, playing video games, riding motorcycles, and shooting guns. It is definitely never a dull moment in the Magnuson household.

Tommy Sheffield: Worship Leader & Youth Ministry

Our worship team is led by Tommy Sheffield. His style is very relaxed with a heart for the Spirit. 

Students are not the future, they are today! We believe students and children are a key element in any body of Christ.

Katie LeBar: Children's Ministry

Kids are not the future, they are today. We believe kids and students are a key element in the body of Christ.

Katie LeBar is leading our Children's Ministry with the help of Russ Evans!

Becky Magnuson: Church Administrator

Becky assists Pastor Neil and Crossroads with the details that are needed to help ministries run smoother.

Contact the Church Admin at

James Filsinger: Treasurer

Your giving to Crossroads runs our ministries!  James manages our funds and keeps us on track.

To contact James, email him at 

Elder Team

Our Elder team is comprised of godly men who are faithful to the church. We look to 1 Timothy 3:1-7 for the qualifications for elders. We thank them for their dedication and heart for Crossroads Church and God.

  • Pastor Neil Magnuson

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  • Russ Evans

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  • John Heaton

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  • BJ Shipp

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Deacon Team

Things need to get done, that is where this team steps in. Though all at Crossroads are active in serving this amazing team takes point in that endeavor. Thank you Deacons!

  • Bruce Miller

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  • Patty Evans

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  • Mark & Dawn Koch

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  • Ronni Calvird

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