Costa Rica Mission Trip 2025

Our mission team will be heading to San Jose, Costa Rica February 17-25, 2025!  They will be working with Christ for the City International in the suburb of Tirrases.  Our Crossroads team members are:  Rod & Deb Veldhuizen, Pastor Neil & Becky Magnuson, Kasen Sheffield, Wayne Sorensen, Berline Greenough, and Arlan Hofstad.  They will be ministering to the people of Tirasses by teaching the women to sew, leading a Bible study for the area children, leading youth group, doing a construction project, going on prayer walks in the community to share Christ, and helping with the Senior Citizens ministry, English Conversation class, and Women's study. Please keep our team in your prayers!

Follow the trip on our church Facebook page: Crossroads of Custer, and our Instagram account: crossroads.of.custer!