Our Goal:

To lead People in a Growing Relationship With Jesus.

We are a community of people who are in process. We have imperfect and messy lives, but we are pursuing and experiencing a transforming relationship with Jesus and with each other. Our one goal is to lead people in a growing relationship with Jesus. We try to do this with every interaction we have--whether it's Sunday mornings at our services or at any of our many ministries and outreaches. Everybody is welcome here whatever your story, your questions, doubts, or struggles. We’re all about doing life together in community, being intentional about our growth as people, and serving one another and our broader community along the way.

We Focus on the Heart

No matter what your story is, God has written it. Whether you've come from a diverse and rough background, or a relatively easy one God is the ultimate Author of your story. Crossroads Church values focusing on the heart above everything else in attempting to accomplish our goal as a church. We've realized that two major ways that goal is met are through our Small Groups and through our Sunday Services. The best way to get plugged in at Crossroads is by visiting one of these gatherings.

You can find us every Sunday Morning at 8:10 and 10:10 am at 12480 US Highway 16A in Custer. Each Sunday Morning we gather for a time of celebration of our Savior, Jesus.  We sing, open God's Word, and connect with others who seek to express God's truth and grace.

What should I Wear?

When we say we focus on the heart, that's no joke; wear what you're wearing right now!  Come as you are!  We are a casual church and want you to come however you feel comfortable. 

Camping?  Great!  Hop in your vehicle and join us!  No shower? No problem!  We want you to connect with the creator of the universe!  Join us this Sunday at 8:10am or 10:10 am!

What about my Kids?

Bring them!  We love all kids and youth and want them to connect to Jesus, too.  

Kids Town:

Sunday mornings during the 10:10am service we have a nursery for age 0- to 3, Tiny Town for age 4 to Kindergarten, and Kid's Town for 1st to 6th grade.

Youth Group:

On Wednesdays we have a great mid-week service opportunity for your teens.  On Sunday morning, our 7th to 12th grade youth are invited  to stay with us as we learn and worship together, but on Wednesday nights they meet together and push the limits of life together.