Your mission field is where you are

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. "      - Matthew 28:19-20

"But you will receive power when the holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."     -Acts 1:8

"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone."   -1 Corinthians 12:4-6

The Church

The body is made up of many parts. All are important and all are necessary for a healthy life. This is true for the Body of Christ at Crossroads as well!

We encourage you to seek out opportunities to serve at Crossroads and in your local contexts. No one has the relationships you do. No one can take Christ to the places you can.

  • Crossroads Children's Ministry

    One such opportunity is our Sunday Morning Kids Town. We would love to have you involved! The world around often uses children for its own purposes.

    To protect our children, begin a background check so we can get you involved right away! There is a cost to the background check. However, if funds are a problem, let us know so we can help.

    Please note: We don't show these backgrounds checks to everyone; only those that have to see it will.

    Background Check Form

  • Crossroads Youth

    From helping with youth group each Wednesday evening to helping occasionally with a special event, we have many opportunities to serve in the youth ministry! If you are interested in helping, talk with Tommy Sheffield (941.740.2551) or Amber Sheffield (941.391.1247). 

    To protect our youth, begin a background check so we can get you involved right away! There is a cost to the background check. However, if funds are a problem, let us know so we can help.

    Please note: We don't show these backgrounds checks to everyone; only those that have to see it will.

    Background Check Form

The Community

We have different ways throughout the year to help the community of Custer!

  • Assisted Living Ministry

    At least once a month we visit the assisted living facilities in Custer to bring church to those who can't join us in person.  If you are interested in helping with this ministry, talk with Russ Kujawski:

    Assisted Living  2025 Schedule:

    • Feb. 23: Wedgewood Assisted Living, 2pm
    • Mar. 2: Custer Care & Rehab, 3:30pm
    • Mar. 23: Wedgewood Assisted Living, 2pm
    • Apr. 20: Custer Care & Rehab, 3:30pm
    • Apr. 27: Wedgewood Assisted Living, 2pm
    • May 25: Wedgewood Assisted Living, 2pm
    • Jun. 8: Custer Care & Rehab, 3:30pm
    • Jun. 22: Wedgewood Assisted Living, 2pm
    • Jul. 27: Wedgewood Assisted Living, 2pm
    • Jul. 27: Custer Care & Rehab, 3:30pm
    • Aug. 24: Wedgewood Assisted Living, 2pm
    • Sep. 14: Custer Care & Rehab, 3:30pm
    • Sep. 28: Wedgewood Assisted Living, 2pn
    • Oct. 26: Wedgewood Assisted Living, 2pm
    • Nov. 2: Custer Care & Rehab, 3:30pm
    • Nov. 23: Wedgewood Assisted Living, 2pm
    • Dec. 28: Wedgewood Assisted Living, 2pm

  • Operation Warm House

    Each summer we  chunk and split firewood to deliver to people from Crossroads and Custer.

    This year's Operation Warm House was September 7th. 

The World

Meet our Missionaries &  Groups:

  • Juan Carlos & Johanna Portillo

    Juan Carlos and Johanna Portillo, along with their children, Rebekah, Benjamin, and Hannah, have served with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) as a pilot/mechanic family in various countries in Latin America. 

    They have recently relocated to Texas for the next phase of their ministry. Juan Carlos has started aviation training to fly larger planes. Johanna has been chosen to be the representative for Latin America with MAF Safeguarding, in addition to continuing her work teaching ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages).

  • Enrique & Kattia Carrillo

    Enrique and Kattia Carrillo serve with Christ For The City International in Costa Rica. They serve in Tirrases, a poor suburb of San Jose. The ministry center they run serves the people of Tirrases through kids and youth programs, Women's Bible studies, meals, baking classes, English classes, and sewing classes, just to name a few.

  • Christian Motorcyclists Association

    We support the CMA Rushmore Thunder chapter which is based here in Custer

    CMA's vision is Changing the world, one heart at a time through:

    • Evangelistic outreach primarily, but not exclusively, to the motorcycling community
    • Run for the Son, where we will partner with ministries with world-reaching potential
    • Equipping our members in ministry training that aligns itself with Biblical truths
    • A servant's attitude to the world and our members (i.e. Here if you need us)
    • Quality products that aid in evangelistic outreach
    • An efficient Support Center team
  • LifeLight Hills Alive

    Every summer LifeLight hosts a Christian Music Festival in Rapid City and Sioux Falls, SD

    What makes LifeLight unique?

    • Every Lifelight event and the LifeLight Youth Center is FREE to the public and is done by faith, and yet is still able to maintain top-quality production and event.
    • LifeLight reaches and attracts multi-generations who gather together in the name of Jesus.
    • Lifelight involves many church denominations, working together in unity based on the truth of God’s Word and the essentials of the Gospel.

  • Camp Hallawasa

    Camp Hallawasa is the local EFCA camp and is located between Pringle and Hot Springs, SD on Argyle Road. They are a small camp and offer Elementary Camp week, Middle School Camp week, and High School Camp week in the month of July.

    The focus of Hallawasa is relationships. Their core value is to help kids connect with God, nature and one another. Daily Bible lessons provide age appropriate teachings to help campers gain a solid understanding of God’s love for them and their value in His eyes.