Partner With Crossroads

We are better together and that includes in the body of Christ.  We encorage you to Partner with Crossroads as God leads you and as you grow in your relationship with us.

Partner Through Giving

We believe worship is a multi dimensional experience.  We sing. We study. We obey. We give.  When we give back to God a portion of what He has given us we are declaring to Him and the world the value He has to us.

Through your gifts to Crossroads Church you partner with us to stay Bible Centered and continuing in Relational Prayer. You partner with us to continue in Active Outreach and Engaging Fellowship impacting the local body of Crossroads, the Custer Community, and beyond to the whole world. 

Thank you for being a partner of Crossroads through giving back to God!  Give Here!

Partner Through Service

The Church

At Crossroads we start serving in our own body.  We love and serve those in our own midst.  It is important that each person who attends is known and cared for as a person.  Whether in our nursery or the front row you are valuable to Jesus and to us.  We seek to serve through prayer, shepherding, resources, and action.  

The Community

Jesus gave the Church the mission to take His good news with us wherever we go. This mission starts with our local body here at Crossroads then moves outward into our community.

We at Crossroads love the community of Custer! We seek to know and love our neighbors whether they are immediately next door, across town, or visiting us on vacation. You can find us serving in local opportunities and helping those in need.

The World

We support several missionaries and groups. Click here to learn more about them!

Partner Through Membership

Are you a member of Amazon, Sam's Club, or Costco?  Do you get special benefits because you are a member of a club or group?  This is nothing like that.

The Church has been called to make disciples.  Part of the process we use for this is what has often referred to as membership.

At Crossroads, membership means you are on board with our mission, core values, and doctrinal statement.  It means we are teammates who work together to accomplish what God has set us out to do. 

Any person who has placed their temporal and eternal faith in Jesus can partner with us as  a member at Crossroads.  Want to know more?  Check out the links below.